Consorzio Saturno Sito aziendale
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Terzo Valico

Terzo Valico

Terzo Valico - Consorzio Saturno

The third Giovi passing establishes part of the alpine corridor on Reno that represents one of the main and strategic corridors on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T core network) that connects the most important industrial and most densely populated regions in Europe.

The Third passage is a new HS/HC railway line that will allow the movement of stock through a road-railway interchange with the objective of improving railway connections between the Port of Genoa and the main railway lines in the North of Italy and the rest of Europe.

The main characteristics of the line are:

Line length 53 km

Development in tunnel 36 km

Interchange connection (single track) 25 km

Maximum incline of the line 12.5%

Line project speed 200-250 km/h

Project speed for interchanges 100-160 km/h

Electrification 3kV c.c. (with predisposition for 25 kV c.a.)


The client is Italian Railway company (FS Group), General Contractor is Consorzio Cociv, while the Lead supervisory role is assigned to Italferr.

The work purpose for the Saturno Consortium regards the supply of technological systems in relation to railway signalling systems, command and control system (SCCM/AV), power and light motor, contact line, primary line and secondary stations, telecommunication systems, auxiliary systems and tunnel safety monitoring systems.